Glasstecno - acid-etched glass machineries & technologies-GLASSTECNO - glass machineries & technologies
Satin finishes that are producible with our Custom Made Lines that could be interesting for your business:
- Opaque white texture (semi-automatic system)
- Satin very translucent and transparent (semi-automatic)
- Matè semi-gloss (fully automatic line)
- Satin translucent but less transparent (fully automatic line)
- Satin Antiscratch very rough and very glossy (semi-automatic)
- Acid etched patterns: tone on tone (fully automatic)
- Acid etched patterns, deep engraved type (semi or fully automatic)
- Satin Antiscratch less rough but very glossy (fully automatic) * NEW
- Satin Anti-glare (fully automatic) * NEW
(fully automatic)* NEW
Le finiture satinate producibili con le nostre soluzioni di Linee Custom che potrebbero essere interessanti per il vostro business:
- Texture bianca opaca (sistema semi-automatico)
- Satinato molto lucido e trasparente (semi-automatico)
- Matè semi-lucido (linea completamente automatica)
- Satinato lucido ma meno trasparente (completamente automatica)
- Satinato Antigraffio molto ruvido e molto lucido (semi-automatico)
- Textures decorate acidate : tono su tono (completamente automatico)
- Textures decorate, inciso profondo (semi o completamente automatico)
- Satinato Antigraffio meno ruvido ma lucido (linea automatica) * NEW
- Satinato Anti-riflesso (linea automatico) * NEW
(linea automatico)* NEW
The machine is able to etch any float glass substrate, both the atmospheric and the tin side, which recognizes all standard parameters for surface treatment. Every sheet worked complies to the all best characteristics of satin glass in the worldwide market, as visual appearance, optical properties, high resistance to marking. The machine is capable to produce 1 sheet (2400mm*3210/3360mm) per minute.
It would mean, excluding initial machinery filling time, 450 sheets per 8 hours; on average 3550 m2/ 1 shift.